Monday, September 12, 2011

Proclamation to the World

Being a member of the Church, I've read the Proclamation to the World numerous times.  However, this time something stuck out to me that I had never noticed before.  It is contained in the last paragraph which emphasizes the importance of strengthening the family.  However, the First Presidency is not just referring to "troubled families", but rather, any family in existence.  Any family unit can be strengthened, and the members should continually strive for a more cohesive family.   Every family unit has room for growth.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Henry B. Eyering "A Child of God"

President Henry B. Eyering is a man of tremendous character and truly a man of the Lord. His talk did seem quite lengthy, however. I guess that just means that we needed the message all the more. He speaks on the importance of furthering our education, but in the proper way and for the proper reasons.  He notes that some educated people let pride consume them.  He gives advice on how to overcome pride, and how to achieve "excellence and humility simultaneously."  Something that stuck out to me in his talk was when he said that prideful moment and antidotes for pride do not come in perfect proportions throughout our life.  The uneven doses of failure and successes that occur make it necessary for us to not rely on our pride as our primary mode of motivation.  Elder Eyering makes a statement that perfectly describes my personal means of motivation for my decisions in life when he says, "What we do here determines the rest of our condition for eternity."