Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Utah Weather

Utah is very different from Indiana, in many many ways. First off, not everyone and their brother (no pun intended) is a member of the Church.  Right now however, I'm noticing a very distinct difference- the weather.  Back in Indiana, there was humidity, so the moisture stayed in the air.  If it was a hot day, it was not dry heat, but a muggy nasty wetness that would literally  make your clothes stick to your body.  And what's worse, there was NO WAY to escape the heat.  Since humidity is actually in the air itself, if it was a hot day and you sought a refugee from the heat, forget trying to go under a tree.   The shade did nothing, because the air was the hot part, not the rays.
Utah is totally different in that fact.  If it's a hot day here, one must only find a location that is shaded and you suddenly have found an ailment from the heat.  It's the sun's rays themselves that make it hot, not the air.  Also in Utah, there seems to virtually be no fall season.  The leaves turn red so quickly, it's like the golds and yellows were completely skipped over.  But more than that, fall weather lacks the perfect intermediate temperature.  The air doesn't have the quality to let it be cold outside (without the rays), but still a comfortable warm.  It feels as if it goes from summer straight to winter.  Furthermore, that summer to winter process can happen in virtually a day.  Sometimes I wake up in the morning and it is BONE CHILLING outside, so I dress in heavy clothes (complete with a coat) to brace myself for the cold all day, however, it doesn't stay.  As the day goes on it can change from extremely cold to extremely hot.  All the sudden the "warm clothes" are warm for another reason- they're too hot against your body.

1 comment:

  1. Texas is the same way as Indiana. It was like you would be sweating when you woke up and sweat when you got out of the shower. You would pretty much stay wet all day haha. It was so gross, but what can I say, I love it there
