Monday, December 5, 2011

General Conference Mini-Analysis

My favorite talk during Conference this year was given by Elaine S. Dalton.  I had the privilege of being in attendance at the session where she spoke.  Sister Dalton's was on being a great father.  This talk touched me because of the pathos in invoked in me.  My respect and love my father very much, and being away from him has made me realize even more how much I care for him.  Hearing her talk about fathers caused me to reflect on my own experiences with my father, and the type of father I want my future husband to be to my children.  I feel that Sister Dalton effectively reached the hearts of many because she used words and concepts that we are passionate about.  Some such remarks were, "Women want their fathers to be there when they go to the Temple", "Men must eliminate anything that is not in accordance with the Priesthood", "If all men were like unto Moroni."  It was very smart of her to include the Temple, the Priesthood, and Moroni (a man who many other men look up to).  These are things that are fundamental to our Church and our eternal salvation.

1 comment:

  1. Great analysis! It must have been cool to be there in person while she spoke. I also enjoyed Sis. Dalton's talk and thought about my dad. I can't wait to go home and see him and my family!
