Monday, December 5, 2011

An Excellent Ward

Wards at BYU are very different from wards back home. Personally, I’ve always lived in a branch, never a ward.   One of the biggest differences is that everyone is the same age!  Obviously that makes sense because I am living in freshman housing and there are so many people here, wards are divided by housing location.  For that reason, a big difference that I’ve noticed is that there are NO babies which means that Sacrament meeting is dead silent.  You could literally hear a pin drop.  I’ve found that I actually found the occasional baby’s cry kind of comforting, just because that’s what I’m used to. 
The ward that I was placed into is SOOOO fun.  We have so much fun whenever we are together.  It’s like we are the party ward!  It does kind of stink though because (being immature freshman) our ward is incredibly coupled off.  If you turn your head either direction you’ll find someone in a relationship with someone else in our ward. 
It is completely understandable because there are so many wards to accommodate, but my ward starts so late.  I’ve never had church that started after nine and now my church starts at 1:30 pm.  As horrible as it may sound, I find myself sleeping-in until 12 because I have the ability to do so.  I don’t have anything to do, really, or anywhere to be.  So, once I get out of church it’s dinner time and the day’s basically older.  I’ve come to realize that I like an early church time rather than later, or I could just use self-control and get up earlier on my own
I honestly do wish that there were a few non-freshman in our ward, but that’s okay, for the next three school years there will be a variety of people.  I’m really thankful wards though.  I think that, at most schools, people get into sororities or frats because they want to be a part of something, or feel like they’re “family.”  Unfortunately, sororities and frats sometimes participate in illegal activities, but they are forced into that because it comes along with wanting to feel included.  I am so grateful for going to a school where I have a ward, I can’t imagine not having that sense of family and belonging that comes from being included in a ward.

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