Monday, December 5, 2011

Managing Our Time Wisely

In the Saturday afternoon session of the Fall 2011 General Conference, Ian S. Arden of the Quorum of the 70 gave a talk that hit home for me.  He spoke on the the importance of managing your time wisely.  I have recently just been thrust into the adult world and for the first time in my life, I am living completely on my own without parents, or really, with anyone in higher command.  Of course there is the residence assistant in my hall, but I am actually older than she is (which makes it difficult to take her seriously), and she doesn't get after us for basically anything.  My life and responsibilities and COMPLETELY my responsibility now.  I don't have mommy or daddy to remind me to get things accomplished, how my life turns out is determined solely by me.  With being on my own, no one is there to tell me how much time I can spend with media.  This is difficult for me because the media (such as the internet and texting) is a big temptation for me.
Some quotes that I took note of during his talk are:
-each day everyone is given the same amount of minutes
-in family relationships, love is spelled T-I-M-E
-we cannot allow media to push aside the most important things
-let us be as quick to kneel as we are to text
-we have to be the master of technology, don't allow it to be the master of us
-what are we doing with our time to help us prepare to meet God?

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