Monday, December 5, 2011

Role of Wellness

Sometimes when thinking about the role of wellness in my BYU experience I think, what role?  Before coming to BYU I was extremely physically active and ran 3 miles each day, but ever since I’ve been to school that has changed.  I’m sure that the role of wellness will change after my Freshman year, but right now I’m trying to balance just plain getting used to college, school work, church callings, and social life.  Unfortunately, I put extraneous physical activity on the back burner. 
            When it comes to my diet, it has never been so off-balance in my life.  Right now, I eat in the Canon Center and other than the salad bar the options are fried, fried, more fried, and a side of icecream.  I wish we were able to just get a plate of vegetables if we wanted to, but we have to get an entire entrée to have what few bites of veggies they give us.  Also, (this is completely my fault) but I stay up very, very late and sleep in.  This causes me to miss breakfast, and sometimes I only have one meal a day.
            I am actually really looking forward to next year when I am able to make my own healthy foods and don’t have to temptation to eat plate fulls.  Also, I feel like life in general will settle down a little and I will have more time for physical activity.  I really appreciate that BYU has a workout facility for students.  I love to get together with my friends and take advantage of the full courts that are available to us in the RB and play various games with my buddies.  I feel it’s a great way to give students the opportunity to remain active.

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