Monday, December 5, 2011

The Woes of Laundry Doing

Oh, laundry- how I despise thee.  I never realized how much of a nuisance doing a laundry is until college started.  It's not like I didn't do my own laundry at home, I've done my own laundry since the age of 12.  However, being at school seems to amplify the laundry hatred by 1,000.  Back home I would use a towel only once and an article of clothing could get a few hours of wear before I would stick it in the laundry.  Now I use the same towel three times, and try to get as much use out of each article of clothing as much as possible until it gets too stretched out (where it's basically falling off my body) or too smelly, just to avoid doing laundry.  I think the biggest aspect of why I can't stand doing laundry is because if you do not have it out of the machine 30 seconds after it is done, someone takes it out and leaves it thrown around somewhere so that they can have a turn with the machine.  Laundry is a stressful affair here.  Oh well, at least I have clothes.

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