Monday, December 5, 2011

Research Topic

Two of my greatest passions in the world are soccer and Africa.  It's not enough for me to just say that I "love" these things, they truly are my passions.  I am a very intense soccer player, and still play even now that I am out of high school.  My senior year of high school I was the number one goalie in the state of Indiana.  It's not just a sport for me, but it's a time to get away.  It is an oasis.  Additionally, I have a passion for Africa.  Ever sense I was in the 7th grade, and did a very expansive project on the country of Kenya, have I had this feeling of connection with it.  Most people I tell that to don't understand why and look at me as if I have some odd infatuation.  But in reality, it's more than that- I can feel the Spirit touch me whenever I think of Africa, hear tribal music, or anything related to the continent.  I've always been puzzled about why that particular location, but Heavenly Father knows why and that's enough for me.  I know that my career, or one of the big aspects of my life, has to do with Africa; there's no way that I can feel this way and not be destined to be involved with it.
For this reason, I decided if I wanted to be interested in my paper and motived to continue to write about a research topic, I needed to include those two elements.  Therefore, I my research topic is, "How televised soccer has affected African people, politics, and economy."

1 comment:

  1. I love your topic! It is very unique. Soccer is life for a lot of people (like yourself) and it has a huge impact on people and politics. I loved watching the world cup in South Africa!
